Son documentos emitidos por Estados Unidos referidos a la guerra de Malvinas, y que se encuentran en el sitio en donde usted puede leerlos directamente en su formato original y acceder al resto del sitio.

   Copyright © 2012 Margaret Thatcher Foundation

 A efectos de preservarlos como documentos históricos para el caso en que el archivo original o el sitio que lo contiene no figurasen más en internet, a continuación se han colocado las copias individuales.

 Estan ordenados cronológicamente. La fecha del final es la de incorporación al sitio.

02ABR82 - CIA background analysis ("The Falklands Dispute - An Historical Perspective") [AGO18]

02ABR82 - CIA Directorate of Intelligence memorandum ("Falkland Islands Situation Report #1") [AGO18]

02ABR82 - CIA Directorate of Intelligence paper ("The Falkland Islands and Dependencies") ["Geographic Reference Aid"] [AGO18]

02ABR82 - Casey memo for Haig ("Quick Intelligence Assessment on Falklands Affairs") [AGO18]

03ABR82 - CIA Directorate of Intelligence memorandum ("Falkland Islands Situation Report #2") [AGO18]

03ABR82 - CIA Directorate of Intelligence memorandum ("Falkland Islands Situation Report #3") [AGO18]

04ABR82 - CIA Directorate of Intelligence memorandum ("Falkland Islands Situation Report #4") [AGO18]

14ABR82 - USE Buenos Aires telegram to State Department ("Safety of Americans") [AGO18]

14ABR82 - Haig message to Galtieri ("Message for President Galtieri") [AGO18]

14ABR82 - Haig message to Francis Pym ("Message to Foreign Minister Pym") [AGO18]

15ABR82 - CIA Falklands document release ( New York Times article) [AGO18]

15ABR82 - Haig message to Francis Pym ("Falkland Islands Dispute") [AGO18]

20ABR82 - Haig message to Costa Mendez ("Letter to Costa Mendez") [AGO18]

20ABR82 - Haig message to Costa Mendez, cont ("Letter to Costa Mendez") [AGO18]

20ABR82 - USE Buenos Aires telegram to Haig ("Message for Foreign Minister Costa Mendez") [AGO18]

23ABR82 - Haig message to Costa Mendez ("Falkland Islands: Letter from Secretary to Costa Mendez") [AGO18]

24ABR82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("Argentina-UK: Disappointing Diplomatic Progress") [AGO18]

29ABR82 - CIA Directorate of Intelligence memorandum ("Falkland Islands Situation Report #41") [AGO18]

30ABR82 - CIA National Intelligence Council memorandum ("Monthly Warning Assessment: Latin America") [AGO18]

19MAY82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily (military & political situation) [AGO18]

19MAY82 - CIA briefing paper for Director ("Military and Political Developments in the Falkland Islands Crisis") [AGO18]

20MAY82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("UK-Argentina: Argentines Await Assault") [AGO18]

24MAY82 - CIA National Intelligence Council memorandum ("Monthly Warning Assessment: Western Europe") [AGO18]

24MAY82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("UK-Argentina: Probable British Strategy") [AGO18]

26MAY82 - CIA National Intelligence Council memorandum ("Monthly Warning Assessment: Latin America") [AGO18]

26MAY82 - CIA National Intelligence Officer for Warning memorandum ("NIO/W Contribution to the Watch Committee") [AGO18]

28MAY82 - CIA NIO(W) memorandum to CIA Director & Deputy ("NIO Monthly Warning Assessments: May") [AGO18]

28MAY82 - Deputy Director Gates memorandum for Director & Deputy Director ("DDI Activity Report, 24-28 May 1982") [AGO18]

28MAY82 - CIA National Photographic Interpretation Center ("Increased Defensive Measures Port Stanley Area") [AGO18]

28MAY82 - CIA National Photographic Interpretation Center ("Military Forces, Argentina" [in Buenos Aires area]) [AGO18]

28MAY82 - CIA National Photographic Interpretation Center ("Argentine Naval Combatants") [AGO18]

29MAY82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("UK-Argentina: British Military Gains") [AGO18

09JUN82 - CIA Director note for Cabinet & Agency heads ("Unauthorized Disclosures on the Falklands Situation") [AGO18]

14JUN82 - CIA briefing for Director ("Note for the DCI - Morning Developments") [AGO18]

15JUN82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily ("UK-Argentina: Surrender Announced") [AGO18]

16JUN82 - CIA National Intelligence Officer for Warning memorandum ("NIO/W Contribution to the Watch Committee") [AGO18]

18JUN82 - Deputy Director Gates memorandum for Director & Deputy Director ("DDI Activity Report, 14-18 June 1982") [AGO18]

19JUN82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("Argentina-UK: Diplomatic Hard Line") [AGO18]

24JUN82 - CIA National Intelligence Council memorandum ("Monthly Warning Assessment: Latin America") [AGO18]

12JUL82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("UK: Defense Policy After the Falklands") [AGO18]

19JUL82 - Weinberger memorandum to Reagan ("Military Lessons from the Falklands") [AGO18]

23JUL82 - US NATO delegation to US Joint Chiefs (Falklands briefing at NATO) [AGO18]

29JUL82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("Argentina: Military Maneuvering") [AGO18]

30JUL82 - CIA National Intelligence Daily Cable ("Panama: Regional Security Plan") [AGO18]

01JUL83 - Interagency Intelligence Assessment ("Prospects for Soviet Arms Deliveries to Argentina") [AGO18]